Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Where do I start?

(NLT) Psalm 54:1-7
Come with great power, O God, and rescue me! Defend me with your might. [2] Listen to my prayer, O God. Pay attention to my plea. [3] For strangers are attacking me; violent people are trying to kill me. They care nothing for God. Interlude [4] But God is my helper. The Lord keeps me alive! [5] May the evil plans of my enemies be turned against them. Do as you promised and put an end to them. [6] I will sacrifice a voluntary offering to you; I will praise your name, O Lord, for it is good. [7] For you have rescued me from my troubles and helped me to triumph over my enemies.

David was in big trouble here. This wasn't someone just vying for a promotion at work. Nor was it an irritating neighbor or family member. These people wanted David dead. Some of them didn't even really know him. In verse 1 he starts at the right place. He takes his burden to the Lord his God. Through out this Psalm he speaks of God as his helper.

Many would ask, "Why me, God?" Thereby, dragging their troubles into a pit of despair. Some would rely on vengeful tactics and only make matters worse. David went to the source of true help and he ended up in triumph. We know from studying the scriptures that this victory took time, but it's culmination was in God's perfecting timing. 

Today, where will you take your troubles? Start in the right place (God) and you will end up in the right place at the right time.

Love in Christ,
Steve Sherwood Sr

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