Wednesday, July 28, 2010


(NLT)Hebrews 2:18
Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested.

Remember school? Yeah, I try not to go there mentally very often too. But I think it will help clarify this thought. Think of those teachers who covered so much stuff in class and left you no clue what would actually be on the test. I'm not suggesting cheating, but wouldn't it have been nice to talk to someone who had taken the test who could tell you which parts you really needed to study. Or maybe, you could have had a tutor who could help you prepare.

Life's testing is sometimes much tougher than a highschool exam. We have a High Priest, a friend, a constant companion comforter, a Father, God who has been there, done that and He will help us. The key to that help is in asking, seeking and knocking. I find that I often rush ahead thinking, "God's given me wisdom. I'll just take this bull by the horns and..." then the bull and I together trash the China shop. When we rush ahead we are like a child who steps into the street without looking both ways.

Today, in the midst of decision, ask, seek, knock and listen for your Heavenly Father's guidance. Few major decisions have to be made imediately. No problem is so big that His hand cannot reach and help. Take time to seek the help of the One who can truly help.

Love in Christ,
Steve Sherwood Sr

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