Friday, September 17, 2010

Adopt someone

(NLT)Proverbs 17:6
Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children.

Though we have three biological grandchildren and one on the way the Lord recently moved in our hearts to adopt a family. It came out of a ministry situation in which Father spoke very clearly to my Spirit to adopt and treat as my own daughter a lady I was counseling. In the process I gained a wonderful son-in-law and 4 delightful grandchildren. Today I get to go on a field trip with one of my new grand daughters.

Over the years I have seen other people do similar things with folks who were either estranged from their biological families or just a great distance from them. In the church in Indiana I presently Pastor there was a dear couple who adopted a family from New York. They would go to school with the children for Grandparents day and other events. It was a blessing to the children.

All of this to challenge you to look around you. Are there people God has placed in your life who need to be loved and treated just like family? Father may not lead you to go the extreme we have gone, but I believe He will lead you to somone He would like you to include in your family.

Today pray, Father, who would You have me include as part of our family and to what extent.

Love in Christ,
Steve Sherwood Sr

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