Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Evelyn and I have lived in Kokomo for 10 years and 10 months. In that time the Lord has given us many friends. We never go out on the town that we don't run into at least one friend, and usually it is more than one. Proverbs 27:10:

10 Never abandon a friend—
either yours or your father’s.
When disaster strikes, you won’t have to ask your brother for assistance.
It’s better to go to a neighbor than to a brother who lives far away. (NLT)

We are blessed. And with that in mind, I have a friend who is very ill. His name is Jeff. If you read this, please pray for healing for Jeff. He is a fellow pastor and a real blessing to the poor of our community. He has encouraged many churches to get outside the four walls of their buildings and reach out to others.

Thanks, Steve

Monday, January 7, 2008

Grandbaby's first Card.

This is the first card we ever received from any of our grandchildren... This one is yet unborn looking to enter the world sometime around August 8, 2008. Wow! He or She is sooooo smart and thoughtful. Already sending Christmas Cards.
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Friday, January 4, 2008


Today Evelyn finally spent the money we squirreled away for her to get some new clothes. Her blue jeans had holes in them and the hem at the bottom of both legs were torn through. When she walked she stepped on the dangling threads. So today she bought new jeans and a couple of nice tops to go with them. I sat and gave nods of approval and whistles of "Oh yeah, baby."

She is a beautiful lady. This beauty goes all the way to the bone. I am very grateful for her willingness to do with so little over the years. The churches we have ministered in have paid meager salaries. Often she has had to work to help supplement our income. She is a tremendous lady.

While sitting at my post just outside the dressing room, a dear woman we know because of the ministry walked by me. Her husband passed away very unexpectedly last year. This was her first Christmas alone. In another month they would have been married 45 years and had planned to go to Hawaii. We spoke for a few minutes and shared what has been going in our lives. I let her grieve and encouraged her and she encouraged me, understanding fully the empty nest thing we are going through. If you read this, say a prayer for Whinny.

Our conversation made me all the more grateful for my wife and friend, Evelyn.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I'm reading a book... well listening to it really. It's "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. During my time on the treadmill today, Dave quoted John Maxwell. "Having a budget is telling your money what to do rather than wondering where your money went." That's good stuff. I highly recommend anyone to read this book. He gets pretty harsh at times, but with so many people in so much debt we need a wake up call. One statistic I heard recently was that most Americans are within 6 weeks of bankruptcy. In other words if you lost your job today and couldn't find another right away, in 6 weeks you would be looking seriously at filing bankruptcy.

My wife and I found ourselves in a mess financially as our daughter was preparing her wedding. We used credit to dig ourselves into a huge hole over the past twenty years. We are now in the process of digging our way out. Anything we buy is purchased with cash. If we don't have it, we don't buy it. In order to pay off our creditors we had to do away with some things. The cable, house phone and house internet are all turned off. We get $10 a week allowance each. We now have grocery money, gasoline, car repairs, annual license fees, clothes, hygiene items all budgeted. Each week a certain amount goes in an envelope for each item. When that money is gone we are done spending. Anything left in an envelope the next week goes into a buffer fund.

We have such a peace that for the last several years was not present with us. We don't worry about whether there will be money for groceries or gas. We know what is there and that really does relieve a huge stress from both of us.

I don't have the time to tell you all we are doing to help with this, but if you are living on credit or from week to week, please get help before you find yourself in a huge hole, with no apparent way out. There are many books on the topic, and Dave Ramsey is one of the best.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year

2008. Wasn't it just 1997? No. I remember things that happened after that, such as a move to Kokomo, IN to begin Pastoring Fairview Baptist Church. Then the children, Steven and Stephanie really started growing up. Is it allowed for children to grow so fast? Whether allowed or not, they do it.

In the last two years they both graduated high school and got married. Steven's wedding was prepared and over before we were able to give it much thought.* Stephanie's was this last August 25.** We knew about her wedding since Christmas 2006. We had much time to contemplate and reminisce. We cried a lot. My little girl is now a young woman... am I really that old?

One of our Christmas cards this year was an announcement. Steven's wife Sarah is pregnant with our first grandchild. :) Yes, I really am that old.

But life is no where near over, Lord willing. Should the Lord allow me to continue I plan to be a better disciple and disciple trainer in this "New Year." I also hope to become about 85% of the man I now am... physically. ;)

*(Steven married Sarah, a delightful and beautiful young lady who loves him greatly. Thank You, Lord.)

**(Steph married Nate, a loving young man who takes great care of her. For him we are also very grateful.)