Friday, November 28, 2008


What I'm thankful for.

I am thankful for Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. And for His Word, the Holy Bible He has given to us, which is filled with many wonderful promises. And for His Holy Spirit with which He indwells, empowers and guides us. 

I am thankful for my wife and two wonderful children, and of course that marvelous bundle of joy He gave us through our son this year... Josiah, our grandson.

I am thankful for this Thanksgiving time we were able to spend with our daughter and favorite son-in-law. They came to Michigan to spend time with us and Evelyn's parents. 

Though Nell is in the hospital she is doing a bit better. Some of the complications have been figured out. She is still in need of exploratory surgery, but she is not vomiting all the time and she is able to rest. We are working on getting her transferred to Indianapolis. 

I am thankful that God brought Don & Linda Burris to Fairview Baptist this year. They are precious and have added much to our congregation.

I am thankful for the men who about to be installed as Elders at our church. I look forward to what God our Father will do through them.

God bless and keep you.
In His love,
Brother Steve Sherwood

Thursday, October 9, 2008

One Will Lift Up His Companion

Nell is having a very bad time right now. Up until last night when she would be ill she was able to sing her prayers or old hymns. She cried last night because she didn't have the strength to do that. Perhaps now is the easiest time to understand Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. (NKJV)

And this is the time for those who are healthy to carry those who are sick. Eccesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor.
10 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up.
11 Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (NKJV)

Ga 6:2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (NKJV)

And with this I encourage you to continually pray for one another. Evelyn and I have prayer thing we do through out the day. If we see someone who reminds us of someone we know, we pray for both of those people. As you think of your family and friends pray. As Paul said to the Thessalonians in 1Th 5:17 pray without ceasing, (NKJV).

As you pray, include me please. I have managed to come down with a nasty sinus infection... not that any of them aren't nasty. Also pray that Evelyn and her father can remain strong and healthy as they minister to Nell.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Finally an Update.

Mom is scheduled for Thursday October 2 to have a port put in for her chemo.  She met with two of the doctors last Monday and they were quite encouraging.  They neither one believe she needs much, if any radiation.  

She still has the feeding tube, but is not using it for now.  They are leaving it in because they feel she may need it once they start the chemo.  

She is feeling stronger each day.  Today she even went for a short walk in her neighborhood.  

This is my first update since returning home from Michigan.  We have been playing catch up with things that needed done upon our return, and in preparation for Evelyn to go back up when Nell starts her chemo.  We have both dealt with physical issues we felt were attacks from the kingdom of darkness.  Each one has been short lived, and odd, for instance, last Saturday night I walked into the room off my office and just started to pray about the next day. When I breathed in to start my second sentence I inhaled a tiny moth right into my left lung. I coughed and hacked and choked for several minutes.  By the time I was able to catch my breath my throat was raw.  I managed to get through Sunday morning, but wound up sleeping most of Sunday afternoon and evening.  Though I'm better now, I still feel like there's something in my left lung.

I believe God is protecting us, and that Satan is looking for any and all openings to attack. God is bigger. We covet your prayers.  

Keeping that in mind. James 5:16 tells us to pray for one another.  It is imparative we live godly lives and give Satan no place in our lives.  It is also helpful to know that others are praying for us. Over the years I have dealt with depression. This week I spent two and a half days hearing, "What's the use? Why don't you end it now? You're not doing any good. No one is going to follow God." There were a lot of other things said as well.  I battled it with praise, songs and scripture all in the name of Christ. Finally in the middle of the third day it ceased.

God's goodness sustains in times of trial. This psalm reminds us of God's goodness.

Psa 86:1-17  A Prayer of David. Bow down Your ear, O LORD, hear me; For I am poor and needy.  (2)  Preserve my life, for I am holy; You are my God; Save Your servant who trusts in You!  (3)  Be merciful to me, O Lord, For I cry to You all day long.  (4)  Rejoice the soul of Your servant, For to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.  (5)  For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.  (6)  Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; And attend to the voice of my supplications.  (7)  In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, For You will answer me.  (8)  Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord; Nor are there any works like Your works.  (9)  All nations whom You have made Shall come and worship before You, O Lord, And shall glorify Your name.  (10)  For You are great, and do wondrous things; You alone are God.  (11)  Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.  (12)  I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And I will glorify Your name forevermore.  (13)  For great is Your mercy toward me, And You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.  (14)  O God, the proud have risen against me, And a mob of violent men have sought my life, And have not set You before them.  (15)  But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, Longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.  (16)  Oh, turn to me, and have mercy on me! Give Your strength to Your servant, And save the son of Your maidservant.  (17)  Show me a sign for good, That those who hate me may see it and be ashamed, Because You, LORD, have helped me and comforted me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Struggling Together

Mom's therapy started officially today.  The therapist had Mom take her on a tour of the house. Then took her outside and had her get in and out of the vehicle a couple of times.  She was thoroughly worn out by the time the therapist left.  

She is experiencing some itching, we believe it is a reaction to the codeine in her pain reliever, so tonight we are going to try pain reliever without the codeine and see how she does.  

I received the following from a dear friend, Wendy Nelson.  It spoke to me and with her permission I share it with in hopes that God will use it to bless and encourage you.

"Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's." (Psalm 103:1-5) 

I want to share that I am so glad that God gave us friends who will struggle with us in prayer.  Since you brought up the “armor of God”, I’d like to share an insight that is a bit Biblical and historical, but which a number of people don’t know. 

In the New Testament, Brother Paul certainly understood the power of our words to God in prayer.  He wrote: "I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me" (Romans 15:30).  "Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should" (Ephesians 6: 18-20). 

The New Testament was originally written in Greek and sometimes looking at the original definitions of the words gives us great insight.  The Greek word Paul uses for struggle in Romans 15:30 issunagonizomai, which means "to struggle in company of; i.e., to be a partner (assistant), strive together with."   The root word means "to endeavor to accomplish something: fight, labor fervently, strive," for example, to compete for a prize or to contend with an adversary.

Much of the soldiers’ ancient armor had brackets attached to the sides.  These brackets were a type of latch that soldiers could use to lock armors during battle.  When the armors were locked together, the soldiers moved as one force, forming a barricade against the enemy.  Alone, the shield was a small defense. Together they formed a human wall.  Do you see the significance?  When we lock arms in prayer with others, we are locking our shields together and forming a powerfully strong fortress of defense!   

Prayer for another person is not simply a pat on the back.  When we tell someone that we will pray for them, we are agreeing to put on the armor and head to the front lines of battle on their behalf.  To all the Steffesfamily, thank you for asking me to be part of your prayer army. I can only be with you in spirit, but I promise to be faithful and pray for you, your family, and your medical team. 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us friends in God to pray for us and with us. 

Thank you that you call Your people to join as mighty prayer warriors with shields linked together, marching into battle as one unified force.  Thank you for Your promise in Psalm 32:8   “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”  Thank you for answering our prayers and arranging for that particular surgical nurse to encourage our sister, Nell.  What a powerful testimony that woman shares with the world.  Continue to bless Nell and her family as they openly glorify You and illuminate how You have supported them physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Help us to walk in obedience to Your Word.  Help us to trust Your plan and Your goodness.


 In Jesus’ Name, Amen



Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Getting Ready

Today has been good. Two men from Mom & Dad's church came and built a new set of steps with a railing going up to their side door. What was there before was crumbling and had no rail.

A lady came out and talked to us about therapy. She had Mom get up and do some light exercises and had her move around a bit without the walker. She set some pretty lofty goals for Mom, but we think they are reachable. She hopes to have her moving around without the walker by next week. She also told her to be dressed when the therapist arrives tomorrow so they can practice on the steps out doors.

Mom is eating better each day and doesn't have the nausea right now. The hardest part for her right now is that her back hurts from laying around so much.

Today I read Eph 6:10-18. This is the passage on the armor of God. After placing all the armor on we do battle by praying. We are to stand firm in the armor, but the real battle is fought in prayer.

The therapist hopes to help Mom get ready to go on with life. This includes being strong before the next battle for her which is chemotherapy and radiation. We know that battle is coming. But on a day to day basis most the time we do not know what we will face. God does. Is it possible that He could prepare us in prayer for the rest of the day? I think so. In Luke 6:12-13 the Bible tells us that Jesus spent the night praying before he chose the twelve disciples. Throughout the Gospels we find Jesus rising early and praying. If Jesus, The Word become flesh saw it necessary to spend time daily in prayer how much more do we need to do the same?

Here are some tools to help you get ready to pray so you can get ready for the day.

I like the ACTS acrostic. Start off with Adoration. Just tell God how awesome He is. Then move to Confession. Tell God how much you've blown it. Admit your sins. Then give Thanks. It sure is good that He has forgiven us. Last move into Supplication. Tell Him what's on your heart. What are your needs and desires. What are the needs of others you know.


When I get to this point it helps to use a list or you can use the Five Finger Prayer. Use your hand to help you keep focused as you pray.

1. Your thumb is the nearest to you. So begin your prayer by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray for our loved ones is, as C. S. Lewis once said, a "sweet duty."
2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct, and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers.
3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, leaders in industry and business, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance.
4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger; as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble, or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them.
5. And lastly comes our little finger; the smallest finger of all. Which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, "the least shall be the greatest among you." Your pinky should remind you to pray for yourself.

Be Blessed.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Yesterday started out well. We had met with a nurse on Saturday night who helped us with the feeding tube. Another came in on Sunday morning to help take the tube off for the day time. Mom was feeling pretty good and went into the kitchen with Evelyn while she made breakfast. In fact, she made several laps around the island in the kitchen with her walker. In the afternoon Ev and I went to town and did some shopping. When we returned Ev helped Mom with a shower and that's when things went south. Mom became dizzy and in a very short time lethargic and near despondant. We grabbed her blood pressure cuff and our first reading was 67/35. We called the in-home nurse and found she was on her way for her nightly rounds.

It took about a half hour, but Mom's blood pressure did come back up. The nurse believes it was a combination of doing too much, the heat in the shower and medications. We adjusted the times of medications and gave Mom instructions to do less today. That is very hard for a woman who has been active from sun up to sun down most of her life.

Today she is doing better. She's moving a bit slower and not near as much. She sleeps most of the time and when she does get up she stands there for two minutes to make sure she isn't going to have another big blood pressure drop.

Today's devotions included Psalm 27.

Psa 27:1-14 A psalm of David. The LORD is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? (2) When evil people come to devour me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. (3) Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident. (4) The one thing I ask of the LORD—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, delighting in the LORD's perfections and meditating in His Temple. (5) For He will conceal me there when troubles come; He will hide me in His sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock. (6) Then I will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me. At His sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy, singing and praising the LORD with music. (7) Hear me as I pray, O LORD. Be merciful and answer me! (8) My heart has heard You say, "Come and talk with Me." And my heart
responds, "LORD, I am coming." (9) Do not turn Your back on me. Do not reject Your servant in anger. You have always been my helper. Don't leave me now; don't abandon me, O God of my salvation! (10) Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close. (11) Teach me how to live, O LORD. Lead me along the right path, for my enemies are waiting for me. (12) Do not let me fall into their hands. For they accuse me of things I've never done; with every breath they threaten me with violence. (13) Yet I am confident I will see the LORD's goodness while I am here in the land of the living. (14) Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD. (NLT)

I also went to the Lord's prayer today in Matthew 6. It was two of the verses before the actual model prayer that jumped out at me. Mat 6:5-6 "When you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. (6) But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you."

Did you catch the promise in the midst of this scripture? Father promises to reward those who pray in private. God longs to bless you and wants you to spend time with Him with an air of expectancy. Mat 7:11 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! (NKJV)

So I challenge me and you today, get alone, pray and then live the day in conversation with your wonderful Heavenly Father expecting to see good things from Him all day, and be thankful. Lastly, join the psalmist.. Yet I am confident I will see the LORD's goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Ps 27:13 (NLT)

That is a living promise. We don't have to wait until Heaven to see the blessing of the Lord. It is ours now.

Be Blessed,
Brother Steve

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Home 1st Evening

Evelyn's brother and family made it through the storm. Their power was back on this evening. The house they rent sustained water damage from the roof leaking, but they did not experience any flooding. A tree was uprooted in their front yard.

Nell is tired. Recovery is going to be slow. A nurse came by tonight and helped us with the feeding tube. She also gave some good suggestions and answered several questions for us. We are all pretty tired.

Evelyn and I are going to stay until Thursday or Friday. We so appreciate everyone who is helping out back home.

This passage comes to mind tonight.
Heb 12:1-3 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. (2) We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now He is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne. (3) Think of all the hostility He endured from sinful people; then you won't become weary and give up.

Home at Last.

We just got home with Mom Steffes and got her settled in.  The nurses aid that brought her to the car told her she would miss her.  She said, "I could just come in and sit in your room all day." 

I just have to say it again... Having Gordon's van to bring Mom home in was such a blessing.  It was very easy for her to get in and out of, even in the rain.  

Mom is on a liquid diet along with the feeding tube at night.  The feeding tube will give her about half the calories she needs each day.  She has to get the rest through various liquids.  

Today's devotion was about gentleness.  It was such a blessing to watch the nurses and doctors who dealt gently with all of us.  And we had opportunities through out Mom's stay to talk with people who were hurting and gently share the love of Christ with them.

We rejoice in the gentlesness of our loving God who has dealt with us and our sin so kindly.  Psalm 32:2
Blessed is the man whose sin the LORD does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit. (NLT)

We are blessed.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ministry in the midst of trial.

God is amazing. He puts you where you need to be when you need to be there. Today I was sitting in one of the waiting rooms at the hospital and a young lady was on her cell phone. Eaves dropping was not an option. It was a small room and she was not attempting to hide what she was sharing over the phone.

Here it is. Her name is Lauren and tomorrow is her wedding day. Her dad, Jim is in the hospital and has been given about 3 weeks to live. They have already paid for a honeymoon, no refund, to Hawaii. As you can imagine she is torn as to what to do.

When she got off the phone I said, "You have a busy day tomorrow." She replied, "No kidding." I asked, "May I pray for you?" She said, "Sure."

So we prayed. Would you pray for her too?

A praise that has come out of this. We asked her if her dad would be able to attend the wedding, and she teared up and said, "One of the nurses here offered to attend the wedding and sit with Dad in case he needed any special care." Wow! Lord, bless that nurse.

Other than the one doctor everyone here at Flower Hospital in Sylvania, Ohio has been wonderful. Praise God for His goodness. May we be found faithful to pray for others.


Today has been good. They have taken out the drain tube and half of her staples.  She still has the feeding tube, but is not on a steady flow from it right now.  She was able to eat some cream of wheat today.  They will probably feed her through the feed tube tonight.  We will also be going through training for taking care of the feed tube.  Lord willing she will be coming home tomorrow morning.

Today's devotions included the reading of Psa 32:7-11  For You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory. Interlude  (8)  The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.  (9)  Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control."  (10)  Many sorrows come to the wicked, but unfailing love surrounds those who trust the LORD.  (11)  So rejoice in the LORD and be glad, all you who obey Him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!

We truly do rejoice in our wonderful God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We had put out a plea for a lift chair before coming up here and the O'Donnells graciously loaned us one.  The next problem was transportation for it and God worked that out through Gordon Linder who traded me vehicles for the week.  The chair fit into his van beautifully.  That trade became a double blessing.  Dad's car and our car both sit low to the gound and would be difficult for Mom to get in and out of.  Gordon's van is the perfect height for her to slide into easily.  Also, our gas has been provided for on this trip.  

David Ihms filled in for us last week at the Bible study and this week Don Burris did so. 

And so many of you are praying and sending cards.  We do so appreciate all of you.

We praise God for each of you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nell. Some praises.

Nell was able to consume some liquid foods today. She is still on a feeding tube that goes directly into the small intestine. Her digestive tract is functioning below her stomach. The hope is that the liquids will prime her stomach to start working too.

It looks like she will be coming home on Saturday.

She walked quite a ways today. The nurses and doctors are impressed with how well she is doing.

We give God all the glory and thank Him for His unfailing love. We are also grateful to all of you prayer warriors. May God richly bless each of you. May He surround you with those who will pray faithfully for you.

Thank you for the cards and for those who helped make this trip possible for us. Thank you for letting us borrow the lift chair and the transportation for it.

We have many blessings. The dearest earthly blessings... treasures are you, our dear friends.

The doctor who gave us the bad report last night was back in today a much more humble bumble.  After the consult he came in and told things are not as bad as he portrayed last night.  We also talked to a patient advocate who helped us understand things better.  This cancer, though treatable is not considered by men to be curable.  Treatments will prolong her life and they don't know how long that will be.  It could be backed into remission.  

Thank you for the prayers.  

Mom Steffes 2008 9/11 11:43am

Mom Steffes, my wife's mother, had about half her stomach removed a week ago yesterday due to cancer. Pathology reports have shown cancer in the lymph nodes around that area. Doctors have told us there is a need for chemotherapy. Last night a radiologist came in and spoke about radiation treatments. This was new to all of us. It was not pleasant news. He also gave a prognosis of up to 40 months, but didn't believe she would make it that long.

He told us that he was in disagreement with the other doctors, so we are somewhat confused about all this. The doctors are all suppose to meet sometime today and discuss her situation and then get back to us.

Interesting how God knows just what you need. In my devotions this morning He took me to Psalm 112.
Psa 112:4 Light shines in the darkness for the godly. They are generous, compassionate, and righteous.
Psa 112:5 Good comes to those who lend money generously and conduct their business fairly.
Psa 112:6 Such people will not be overcome by evil. Those who are righteous will be long remembered.
Psa 112:7 They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them.
Psa 112:8 They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly.
Psa 112:9 They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. They will have influence and honor.
Psa 112:10 The wicked will see this and be infuriated. They will grind their teeth in anger; they will slink away, their hopes thwarted. (NLT)

I believe Mom & Dad Steffes can claim these promises. Their whole Christian life has been a generous giving of themselves and all they have to help many.

Others have sent passages that help them in times like these. I am grateful for my many friends. May God richly bless you. May we all know the fearlessness mentioned in Psalm 112.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Prayer for Josiah Steven

Our daughter in-law is pregnant... very pregnant. She is due any time now. We have been waiting... somewhat impatiently. Last Thursday the doctor said, "You'll have this baby within the week." Well, in my estimation the doctor's time is up.

Last night Evelyn couldn't sleep and tonight I can't. You'd think we were having the baby. I mean, what is our problem? We know he's a boy and that he will be the smartest and most handsome grandson ever. What is our problem?

I think the anticipation is built into us by our Heavenly Father. Perhaps it is so we will pray more fervently and faithfully.

Dear Heavenly Father, bless Josiah Steven. Call him to Yourself at an early age. Put Your fire in his little heart even now. May his faith in You never fail. May he be full of Your Joy, Peace, Love and Grace. May many come to know You through the life You have blessed him with. In the Name of Jesus of Nazareth I pray, Amen.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Holiday Decorations

One of my all time favorite comic strips was an old Funky Winkerbean. A police officer is at the door telling the man of the house, "I'm going to have to give you a citation for having your holiday decorations up so late." In the picture you can see the Christmas tree in the back ground. (Note the strip was published around mid January.) The man replies, "But officer, we're going to take the tree down this weekend, I promise." The officer replies, "I'm not talking about the Christmas tree". The next panel zooms out and on the porch you can see a very dilapidated Jack-O-Lantern.

Today, February 1, 2008 I finally took down our Christmas Tree. Evelyn took the decorations off earlier this week. Though it is true, we have both been busy, and maybe it didn't seem to be a priority, perhaps our procrastination goes much deeper. This was our first Christmas as empty nester's. The holidays were not bad. How can it be bad to take time to remember the birth of the Saviour of the world? They were, however different for both of us. We spent time with both of the kids and had a blast with them. But there were no toys under our tree this year. When did that come to a halt? There were fewer presents and fewer jokes about peeking and snooping. There was less activity around the tree, fewer "oohs" and "ahs".

One thing was in abundance. There was reflection and a lot of it. We did take time to remember Christ, the babe born in a manger to a virgin named Mary. We remembered the ride to Bethlehem and the no vacancy declaration of the inn keeper. We remembered the shepherds being the first to hear the great news from Heavenly hosts of His arrival, and the wise men who sought him.

We also reflected on our own little sheep, shepherds, Mary & Joseph, and a multitude of other characters played by our Steven and Stephanie in Christmas plays over the years.

Somehow, packing the tree back in it's box to be stored for another Christmas seemed to proclaim, "It's okay to be empty nester's. We made it through." Deep down inside, I'm not sure I did make it through... yet.

Last night we watched the movie, "The Game Plan." It is an excellent movie with strong fathering encouragement. I highly recommend this movie. Keep a box of tissues handy.

Thus this blog today. We will make it. It is okay to be an empty nester. It is okay to put the Christmas tree in the box for another year. It is okay to move on to Valentine's day with my sweetheart.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Evelyn and I have lived in Kokomo for 10 years and 10 months. In that time the Lord has given us many friends. We never go out on the town that we don't run into at least one friend, and usually it is more than one. Proverbs 27:10:

10 Never abandon a friend—
either yours or your father’s.
When disaster strikes, you won’t have to ask your brother for assistance.
It’s better to go to a neighbor than to a brother who lives far away. (NLT)

We are blessed. And with that in mind, I have a friend who is very ill. His name is Jeff. If you read this, please pray for healing for Jeff. He is a fellow pastor and a real blessing to the poor of our community. He has encouraged many churches to get outside the four walls of their buildings and reach out to others.

Thanks, Steve

Monday, January 7, 2008

Grandbaby's first Card.

This is the first card we ever received from any of our grandchildren... This one is yet unborn looking to enter the world sometime around August 8, 2008. Wow! He or She is sooooo smart and thoughtful. Already sending Christmas Cards.
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Friday, January 4, 2008


Today Evelyn finally spent the money we squirreled away for her to get some new clothes. Her blue jeans had holes in them and the hem at the bottom of both legs were torn through. When she walked she stepped on the dangling threads. So today she bought new jeans and a couple of nice tops to go with them. I sat and gave nods of approval and whistles of "Oh yeah, baby."

She is a beautiful lady. This beauty goes all the way to the bone. I am very grateful for her willingness to do with so little over the years. The churches we have ministered in have paid meager salaries. Often she has had to work to help supplement our income. She is a tremendous lady.

While sitting at my post just outside the dressing room, a dear woman we know because of the ministry walked by me. Her husband passed away very unexpectedly last year. This was her first Christmas alone. In another month they would have been married 45 years and had planned to go to Hawaii. We spoke for a few minutes and shared what has been going in our lives. I let her grieve and encouraged her and she encouraged me, understanding fully the empty nest thing we are going through. If you read this, say a prayer for Whinny.

Our conversation made me all the more grateful for my wife and friend, Evelyn.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I'm reading a book... well listening to it really. It's "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. During my time on the treadmill today, Dave quoted John Maxwell. "Having a budget is telling your money what to do rather than wondering where your money went." That's good stuff. I highly recommend anyone to read this book. He gets pretty harsh at times, but with so many people in so much debt we need a wake up call. One statistic I heard recently was that most Americans are within 6 weeks of bankruptcy. In other words if you lost your job today and couldn't find another right away, in 6 weeks you would be looking seriously at filing bankruptcy.

My wife and I found ourselves in a mess financially as our daughter was preparing her wedding. We used credit to dig ourselves into a huge hole over the past twenty years. We are now in the process of digging our way out. Anything we buy is purchased with cash. If we don't have it, we don't buy it. In order to pay off our creditors we had to do away with some things. The cable, house phone and house internet are all turned off. We get $10 a week allowance each. We now have grocery money, gasoline, car repairs, annual license fees, clothes, hygiene items all budgeted. Each week a certain amount goes in an envelope for each item. When that money is gone we are done spending. Anything left in an envelope the next week goes into a buffer fund.

We have such a peace that for the last several years was not present with us. We don't worry about whether there will be money for groceries or gas. We know what is there and that really does relieve a huge stress from both of us.

I don't have the time to tell you all we are doing to help with this, but if you are living on credit or from week to week, please get help before you find yourself in a huge hole, with no apparent way out. There are many books on the topic, and Dave Ramsey is one of the best.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year

2008. Wasn't it just 1997? No. I remember things that happened after that, such as a move to Kokomo, IN to begin Pastoring Fairview Baptist Church. Then the children, Steven and Stephanie really started growing up. Is it allowed for children to grow so fast? Whether allowed or not, they do it.

In the last two years they both graduated high school and got married. Steven's wedding was prepared and over before we were able to give it much thought.* Stephanie's was this last August 25.** We knew about her wedding since Christmas 2006. We had much time to contemplate and reminisce. We cried a lot. My little girl is now a young woman... am I really that old?

One of our Christmas cards this year was an announcement. Steven's wife Sarah is pregnant with our first grandchild. :) Yes, I really am that old.

But life is no where near over, Lord willing. Should the Lord allow me to continue I plan to be a better disciple and disciple trainer in this "New Year." I also hope to become about 85% of the man I now am... physically. ;)

*(Steven married Sarah, a delightful and beautiful young lady who loves him greatly. Thank You, Lord.)

**(Steph married Nate, a loving young man who takes great care of her. For him we are also very grateful.)