Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Prayer for Josiah Steven

Our daughter in-law is pregnant... very pregnant. She is due any time now. We have been waiting... somewhat impatiently. Last Thursday the doctor said, "You'll have this baby within the week." Well, in my estimation the doctor's time is up.

Last night Evelyn couldn't sleep and tonight I can't. You'd think we were having the baby. I mean, what is our problem? We know he's a boy and that he will be the smartest and most handsome grandson ever. What is our problem?

I think the anticipation is built into us by our Heavenly Father. Perhaps it is so we will pray more fervently and faithfully.

Dear Heavenly Father, bless Josiah Steven. Call him to Yourself at an early age. Put Your fire in his little heart even now. May his faith in You never fail. May he be full of Your Joy, Peace, Love and Grace. May many come to know You through the life You have blessed him with. In the Name of Jesus of Nazareth I pray, Amen.